Our microcosmic energy is deeply intertwined with the macrocosm. The greater universe around us, reflecting a dynamic interplay. A good example of this is the moon cycles. We are between two supermoons, one happened September 17th and the other will happen October 18th. This means people are more fertile, more sensitive, so if you believe in this bigger energy, this magnetic pull will affect our sacral chakra. If we focus on our sacral chakra on those nights, we may be hornier. But fortunately tonight, there is no supermoon so our horniness will be average.
Other examples of how our microcosmic energy connects to the larger universal forces, is that our resistance to change can make the external world shift for us. I had a bike for eleven years that contributed to poor posture and after yoga teachers kept telling me I was hunched on a bike, and it was finally stolen in a nice neighborhood in Van Nuys. It felt like the universe was echoing that I was out of alignment, and the universe was mirroring that misalignment back to me by removing the very thing that no longer served me. Within a day, I found a new bike that supports my spine and keeps me aligned.