10 Minute Simple Vinyasa Yoga Flow

A good approach to yoga is not to hold onto expectations of the benefits and allow oneself to be human and flawed. I think many of the benefits have a beginning and an end while you practice and after that, you go about your life as usual. I still have pain from a bicycle injury, I still have anxiety. But maybe I’ve become more aware of the problems, perhaps! I can correct the problems. My only question is what would happen if I -stopped- doing yoga or if somehow I became unable to do it. I think there is a fear that everything good about my life would crumble, but in reality, I probably would feel the same except more lethargic and maybe my heart would stop. Practicing on your own and being guided only by yourself feels quiet and lonely, perhaps isolated or not connected with someone else. Even though I was doing yoga next to other people, my memory became the voice I was following. I guess part of the comfort I have with yoga is listening to someone else tell me what to do and also becoming my own voice that I follow. There were plenty of moments when I felt unsure or unclear in the first practice. I realized how choppy some transitions would be, so I ended up having to redo some of what I initially wrote down to suit the sequence. I wanted the practice to flow as easily as possible and in a way, for it to make sense so that I could 1. remember it and 2. enjoy it. My favorite poses are Triangle Pose and Half Moon Pose; and the transition between the two. I would probably continue doing these two together and add Dancer’s Pose after Half Moon Pose. My least favorite thing is battling being present. I think the discomfort of the quietness made me think about how we are alone in the world. But I think something new is cultivating an “inner voice” that I can follow. I need something to not make me feel rushed. I am actually finding my natural flow in yoga is a lot slower. I actually go more into a yin yoga style of practice when I follow my own voice.

1. Tadasana
2. Tree
3. Tree
4. Chair
5. Standing Wide Angle
6. Chair
7. Tabletop
8. Hero
9. Child’s Pose
10. Tabletop
11. Locust
12. Plank
13. Side Plank
14. Lunge
15. Warrior 1
16. Warrior 2
17. Triangle
18. Half Moon
19. Extended Side Angle
20. Plank
21. Upward Dog
22. Downward Dog
23. Plank
24. Side Plank
25. Lunge
26. Warrior 1
27. Warrior 2
28. Triangle
29. Half Moon
30. Extended Side Angle
31. Plank
32. Upward Dog
33. Downward Dog
34. Easy Pose
35. Dandasana
36. Seated Wide Angle
37. Seated Bound Angle
38. Seated Spinal Twist
39. Seated Spinal Twist
40. Bridge
41. Savasana
42. Tadasana