
These are from a Power Yoga series of poses I’ve taken with a Canon SLR on a remote control timer (via the application Camera Connect on iPhone). Part of the fun and challenge of building on yoga poses is how the core gets stronger and the body gets twistier. I was inspired to boost my performance in a flow state. 

Practicing yoga in a flow state can help to improve both the physical and mental aspects of yoga, leading to a more fulfilling and rewarding experience for the yogi. In The Rise of Superman by Steven Kotler, flow is described as a state of optimal consciousness where one is fully immersed in an activity, feeling energized, focused, and enjoying the process of the activity itself. According to the book, practicing yoga in a flow state can help improve one’s performance by allowing them to achieve greater flexibility, strength, and balance.

By entering a state of flow, yogis increase their awareness of their body and their breath, helping them to move more smoothly and with greater intention. This increased awareness can also help to reduce the risk of injury and improve overall form and alignment. Additionally, the feeling of being “in the zone” can enhance the ability to concentrate, allowing one to perform more complex poses with greater ease and precision.